Animal age calculator

We think it's a shame so many people don't know how old their pet is in human years, so we made this little tool to help out.

Convert animal years to human years

No matter the reason you want to calculate animal years in human years, be it for fun or to better understand your pet, you can use our animal age converter to easily make all the necessary calculations.

Animal’s age equivalence in human years depends on the animal species, lifespan, size, sometimes even breed! For some you can apply a straightforward formula, where each animal’s year is equal to a set number of human years. For others, the conversion to human age depends on the animal’s life stage.

Your pet's age in human years

Use our online tool to figure out how old your pet is in human years. We have calculators for the most popular pets: cats and dogs, hamsters and chinchillas, and even hedgehogs. Don't forget to read more about their lifespan and other useful information!

Convert dog years to human years

Convert cat years to human years

Convert rabbit years to human years

Convert chinchilla years to human years

Convert hamster years to human years

Convert guinea pig years to human years

Convert rat years to human years

Convert mouse years to human years

Convert hedgehog years to human years

Farm animals' age in human years

Do cows age the same way as humans? What about goats and pigs? And sheep, of course, how can you forget about them? Look no further - you'll get all the answers and even more. Just choose the right calculator and find out everything.

Convert horse years to human years

Convert pig years to human years

Convert chicken years to human years

Convert cow years to human years

Convert sheep years to human years

Convert donkey years to human years

Convert goat years to human years

Wild animals' age in human years

Even if you're a wild animal's lover or just THAT curious, you're in the right place.

Convert deer years to human years

Convert bear years to human years

Convert fox years to human years

Convert camel years to human years

Convert tiger years to human years

Convert lion years to human years

So, if you want to know how old your cat, chicken or just a random creature is in human years, select it in the calculator’s dropdown, choose the animal's age and press “Convert to Human Years”!