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Dog years to human years
Want to convert dog years to human years? Then you must have heard the "multiply the dog's age by seven" advice, which is not entirely correct.
First of all, dogs age rapidly during the first years of their life. A one-year-old dog is 15 years old in human equivalent (yes, that's one furry teenager in your house!)
Secondly, dog age in human years depends on the breed or size. Smaller dogs generally live longer that their bigger relatives (if you're curious, read more about dog's life expectancy). Here is how you determine the size of your dog by normal weight:
- small dogs: up to 20 lbs / 9 kg;
- medium dogs: 21-50 lbs / 10-22 kg;
- large dogs: 51-100 lbs / 23-45 kg;
- huge dogs: 100+ lsb / 46+ kg.
Dog years to human years calculator
Convert dog years to human years using our online dog age converter. Select one of 221 dog breeds* or choose your dog's size to get as accurate dog's human age estimation as possible:
Small dog's age in human years
To convert a small dog's age (breeds like Chihuahua, Dachshund, Shih Tzu, or Lhasa Apso) to human age, you should know that:
- the first small dog's year is equal to 15 human years;
- the second year adds 9 more years to the human age;
- each subsequent year is equal to 4 years in human years.
Small dog years to human age: table
Small dog age | Human age |
1 year | 15 years |
2 years | 24 years |
3 years | 28 years |
4 years | 32 years |
5 years | 36 years |
6 years | 40 years |
7 years | 44 years |
8 years | 48 years |
9 years | 52 years |
10 years | 56 years |
11 years | 60 years |
12 years | 64 years |
13 years | 68 years |
14 years | 72 years |
15 years | 76 years |
16 years | 80 years |
17 years | 84 years |
18 years | 88 years |
19 years | 92 years |
20 years | 96 years |
More information on small-sized dog age for different breeds:
Medium dog's age in human years
For medium dogs (breeds like Bulldogs, Collies, Basset Hounds, and Huskies), use the following information:
- at two years, their human age is 24 years;
- after turning 6 years old each medium dog's year is equal to 4-5 human years;
Medium dog age in human years: table
Medium dog age | Human age |
1 year | 15 years |
2 years | 24 years |
3 years | 28 years |
4 years | 32 years |
5 years | 36 years |
6 years | 42 years |
7 years | 47 years |
8 years | 51 years |
9 years | 56 years |
10 years | 60 years |
11 years | 65 years |
12 years | 69 years |
13 years | 74 years |
14 years | 78 years |
15 years | 83 years |
16 years | 87 years |
More information on medium-sized dog age for different breeds:
Large dog's age in human years
For large dogs (breeds like German Shepherd, and Cane Corso), their human age up until 6 years is the same as for medium dogs. After turning 6 years old each large dog's year is equal to 5-6 human years.
Large dog age in human years: table
Large dog age | Human age |
1 year | 15 years |
2 years | 24 years |
3 years | 28 years |
4 years | 32 years |
5 years | 36 years |
6 years | 45 years |
7 years | 50 years |
8 years | 55 years |
9 years | 61 years |
10 years | 66 years |
11 years | 72 years |
12 years | 77 years |
13 years | 82 years |
14 years | 88 years |
15 years | 93 years |
16 years | 99 years |
More information on large-sized dog age for different breeds:
Huge dog's age in human years
Huge dogs (breeds like Great Dane or Akita) age a bit slower in the first two years. But by the age of 6, they're already 49 in human years, with each subsequent year adding 7-8 more years to the human age.
Huge dog age in human years: table
Huge dog age | Human age |
1 year | 12 years |
2 years | 22 years |
3 years | 31 years |
4 years | 38 years |
5 years | 45 years |
6 years | 49 years |
7 years | 56 years |
8 years | 64 years |
9 years | 71 years |
10 years | 79 years |
11 years | 86 years |
12 years | 93 years |
13 years | 100 years |
14 years | 107 years |
15 years | 114 years |
16 years | 121 years |
More information on large-sized dog age for different breeds:
So, if we take a small 10-year-old Chihuahua as an example, her human age would be 56 years. And a huge Bernese Mountain Dog of the same age would have already lived 79 years as a human!
Is knowing your dog's human age important?
Not obligatory at all, but it might come useful for two main reasons:
- It's fun! Imagine that a 38-years-old you and your 4-years-old Akita are actually of the same human age - how cool is that?
- Better understanding. Why has your dog's behaviour changed? Why are there signs of him or her aging already? You might find the answers to these questions with a dog-to-human age conversion.
How do dogs age?
Dogs have 4 main life stages:
- Puppy stage is short, from birth to between 6 and 18 months. As mentionned before, the larger the dog - the longer it'll stay a puppy. But after 18 months no dog is considered a puppy anymore.
- Adolescent stage. Starts between 6 and 18 months and last up to 18-36 months depending on the dog's size
- Adulthood stage. Also depending on the dog's size begins between 18-36 months. It lasts for 2-3 years for large dogs and up to 5 years for smaller breeds
- Senior stage. Begins when a dog is 5-7 years old. At this point dog owners might notice first signs of their dog's aging. So now it's time to pay even more attention to proper care.
Until recently, a cattle dog named Bluey from Australia was the oldest dog ever (he died at the age of 29.5 years). Depending on Bluey's size, she could be from 134 to 215 years old in human years.
As of February 1st, 2023, a new record has been set. Now the oldest dog is Bobi, a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo. At the time of writing, Bobi is over 30 years old (almost 31).
Rafeiro do Alentejo is a large-to-huge dog breed, so Bobi's human age is either almost 182 or 226 years.
Dog age chart