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Cane Corso age in human years

Cane Corso is a large dog breed adored for impressive looks, intelligence, and loyalty.
Cane Corsos live from 9 to 12 years. Their average life expectancy is slightly shorter than the average dog lifespan). They are generally healthy dogs, but prone to some life-threatening health issues, like bloat.
At some point, you might wonder how old your Cane Corso is in human years. To answer this question, convert Cane Corso's dog age to human using these estimations:
- the first Cane Corso's year equals 15 human years;
- the second year adds 9 more years to the human age;
- years 3 through 5 add 4 more years each;
- at the age of 6 a Cane Corso becomes 45 in human years;
- each subsequent year equals 5-6 years in human equivalent.
Like most larger dogs, Cane Corsos live shorter life. In human years, their typical lifespan would be from 61 to 77 years.
Here’s a table you can use to find your Cane Corso age equivalent in human years:
Cane Corso age | Human age |
1 year | 15 years |
2 years | 24 years |
3 years | 28 years |
4 years | 32 years |
5 years | 36 years |
6 years | 45 years |
7 years | 50 years |
8 years | 55 years |
9 years | 61 years |
10 years | 66 years |
11 years | 72 years |
12 years | 77 years |
13 years | 83 years |
14 years | 88 years |
15 years | 94 years |
16 years | 99 years |
17 years | 105 years |
18 years | 110 years |
19 years | 116 years |
20 years | 121 years |
Cane Corso age chart