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Lhasa Apso age in human years

Lhasa Apso is a small dog breed adored for elegant, aristocratic looks and loyal personality.
Lhasa Apsos live from 12 to 15 years. Their average lifespan is of 14 years (which is longer than the average dog's lifespan). They are not prone to many health issues, which gives Lhasa Apso a great chance of living till their early 20s.
If you have a Lhasa Apso, you might wonder how old your dog is in human years. To answer this question, first, you need to know your Lhasa Apso's dog age. Then convert it using the estimations used to calculate small dog age in human years:
- the first Lhasa Apso's year equals 15 human years;
- the second year adds 9 more years to the human age;
- each subsequent year equals 4 years in human years.
Here’s a table you can use to find a Lhasa Apso age equivalent in human years:
Lhasa Apso age | Human age |
1 year | 15 years |
2 years | 24 years |
3 years | 28 years |
4 years | 32 years |
5 years | 36 years |
6 years | 40 years |
7 years | 44 years |
8 years | 48 years |
9 years | 52 years |
10 years | 56 years |
11 years | 60 years |
12 years | 64 years |
13 years | 68 years |
14 years | 72 years |
15 years | 76 years |
16 years | 80 years |
17 years | 84 years |
18 years | 88 years |
19 years | 92 years |
20 years | 96 years |
Some interesting facts:
- The breed comes from Tibet. Lhasa Apsos were bred to serve as inside guards, and protectiveness and loyalty remain their main traits today;
- Lhasa Apso dogs reach their adult size approximately at the age of 1 year old. But they keep maturing emotionally until they are 3 years old (and that’s already 28 years in human age);
- The oldest Lhasa Apso lived till the age of 29 years (the human age equivalent would be 132 years).
Lhasa Apso age chart